Special Events Application
Meeting Site Application

Property owners that allow Groups to meet at their facilities are asking the Groups to provide Premise Liability Insurance Coverage. If an accident should occur during the meeting, legal fees, building repairs, and medical bills could incur large expenses. This can be a problem for the Property Owners and Group. RecoverSource can protect your organization against claims arising from bodily injury and property damage that might occur while the group is occupying the space. RecoverSource  is committed to providing cost effective insurance for these groups.


The annual policy period runs from March 1 to February 28.  The annual premium is $500.  If you need coverage after the March 1 renewal date, we do offer a prorated premium, depending on the date that you would like coverage to begin:

  • $500- March 1 to May 31st
  • $375- June 1 to Aug 31st
  • $250- Sept 1 to Nov 30th
  • $125- Dec 1 to Feb 28th

Price includes $40 for membership and administrative fees. Payment for the RecoverSource Insurance cannot be made on our payment portal on our website.

  • Aggregate limit: $3,000,000
  • Each occurrence limit: $1,000,000
  • Fire Damage: $1,000,000
  • Medical Payment Coverage (per person): $20,000

Enroll in RecoverSource by completing the application form and submitting online or mailing with your payment to:
RecoverSource, PO Box 309, Grand Rapids, MN 55744.

  • Not eligible for coverage if childcare services are provided.
Great Insurance,
Even Greater
We value our relationships with personal and commercial clients. Providing great insurance comes with an even greater responsibility to provide options unique to our clients’ businesses, families and assets. We are committed to serving you with excellence and integrity.